We deeply believe that our commitment can significantly reduce the number of accidents during performance particularly dangerous professions.

Self braking device

Protect workers in all kinds of conditions

Safety Nets

Ensure security at any height


He participates in training lectures and shows


Choose products from different price segments


Take care of your knowledge and skills yourself and your employees


Check comprehensively the area of ​​work performed in your company

What makes us stand out

EVORA belay system

We have an original security system.

Horizontal and vertical systems

Thanks to the established contacts, we can choose the most optimal solution for the customer’s needs, because we have many options for belaying with horizontal and vertical systems.

We conduct and organize trainings

We are the organizer of high-altitude training, conducted by experienced specialists. We train in the largest cities in Poland and we are the owner of 5 polygons.

We work with manufacturers such as Kratos Safety, Delta Plus, Igena, Tractel, Faraone, Petzl, Singing Rock, which allows us to ensure safety and safe work in all conditions. Thanks to the established contacts, we can choose the most optimal solution for the customer’s needs, because we have many options for belaying with horizontal and vertical systems.
We are also authorized to install and inspections of rail and linear safety systems. We have the knowledge and skills and authorization to review PPE.
Our team includes constructors who, in accordance with the construction law, design, calculate and select non-standard solutions to secure workplaces.

The installation of the vertical system can be carried out without additional training, with one assembly key and after familiarization with instructions.
The length of the section is sufficient to order the system in question. The distributor himself selects the elements depending on the length of the protection and sends a ready package with instructions.
The distinguishing feature of the system is an additional safety point in the upper part of the extension of the ladder, which additionally protects against falling after entering the facility
and disconnecting from the vertical system.

Do you need our services?

+48 533 846 152

We care about your safety

When the paths of several specialists in their field crossed, the idea of ​​​​establishing a company that helps in a wide range of security was born. The road from idea to action was quite short and this is how a new company full of committed employees was created.

Our Customers' Opinions

“Firma godna polecenia. Pracują w niej ludzie którzy naprawdę znają się na swojej profesji. Do tego są bardzo otwarci i pomocni, jeśli chodzi o cenę to nigdzie nie znalazłem lepszych.”

Paweł Poniatowski

“Profesjonalne podejście do bezpieczeństwa na wysokości, ciekawa forma szkolenia.”

Tomasz Prokop

“Pełen profesjonalizm. Podejście firmy oraz zaangażowanie zrobiły na mnie wrażenie. Polecam.”

Krystian Młynarczyk